
Someone once told me that if someone is being nice to you, that’s probably because you’re a nice person too. And this thought has stayed with me since then. How often do we think about how our words and actions affect the other person? That these are the outlets that reflect a part of your own personality.

We’ve often heard about the word “karma” being used when someone gets payback for their wrongdoings. Karma doesn’t mean that only bad things will happen to you. It means your actions define what you get in return. Hence, if you’re sending out good vibes around, you will receive them in return. Basically, what goes around, comes around. I am a true believer in karma. And I believe that we need to start taking responsibility for our actions. No person in this world is perfect. But, if we start making a conscious effort in improving the lives around us, we ourselves are paving the path to living a fulfilling life.

We could all start by doing tiny bits of kindness like saying Hi to your neighbor, smiling at a stranger, checking up on a friend, sometimes going out of your way to help someone, providing food to someone who needs it, celebrating your friends/families small and big successes, etc. It doesn’t always have to be a huge gesture, just remember a small deed of kindness can make someone’s day. We are all fighting our own battles. So, it wouldn’t really hurt to try to make someone’s life a little better, in our own little way.

Right now, we need kindness a little more in this world than usual!

Spread love and light.🌟